My Favorite Physics Professors in College
Hello! I'm back with my *supposedly* weekly reflection on my online course What Future For Education offered by the University of London through Coursera. Every week, we are tasked to answer some guide questions for our reflection, so here it goes. Week 3 Journal Entry: Reflect back on the teachers you considered in the first reflection task at the start of this week. (The task we had at the start of the week is to reflect on our memory about a teacher that stood out as a “good teacher”) Reconsider what it was about them that made you consider them to be so good. Would others that were taught by them have the same conclusions? I studied Physics when I was in college in the University of the Philippines Los Baños and there are few professors that come to mind when I think of what a good teacher is. They include Dr. Anthony Villanueva (modern physics and mathematical physics), Dr. Eduardo Cuansing (electromagnetic theory and molecular dynamics), and Dr. Allan Padama (qua...